Well, I'm melting away in this heat! I hope you are all enjoying it and getting a nice tan. For those of you like me, who would like it a tad fresher, hang in there and keep those fans blowing!
So, I have managed to do some crafting. Not a lot of parchment has the heat affects the parchment and sweaty fingers marks it.
Scrap-booking has been in progress! This is granddaughter Chantel and her partner . I added a close up of the heart has you can't see the detail otherwise. I used a MDF heart. coated it with gesso and then used a stencil and Dazzlers texture paste to add a design to it.
This is a page I enjoyed making but it is always bitter sweet to scrap my late hubby. I used silver gliding flakes behind the hearts and used a sour apple colour of Dazzlers for the stem. I added a few sequins too. The hearts were pre-cut. I used the same materials in the bottom corner and added a Bramblefox perspective "LoveYou!" Its simple but I love the way it turned out. I had received a greeting cad with a similar design on, that is where I got the idea. Goes to show inspiration is all around you, via day to day things.
The next ones are of Sam and Chloe ( Chantels little sister) It was made for a challenge over at UKS. I had to use a big embellishment, the globe, thanks to Pol Prince once again! I had to use a summer picture. and paint and no pre printed stickers/ pre made embellishments. Well I did the challenge and just couldn't resist it. I HAD to add those tiny words stickers afterwards. It just completes the page for me. I painted the hearts with water colour paint and added a few pale splashes in the base card.
This, below is Angela and her cat Kit. Snapchat cats!
last of all is Chantel and Chloe with their mom Karen at the three countries show.I used a large MDF tag. Gesso added and then gliding waxes and mists and stickers added . I added a flair button top right too.
One parchment piece which I wouldn't show before, in case a friend looked at my blog. It was for her birthday. I hope she liked the card I made.
Well, that's it for me for June. June started out a wet, grey month and has burst into bloom and sunshine. So folks spread the love and remember and I quote
“Love is an open door.” – Anna and Hans, Frozen
everyone needs to love somebody, and you can't control who you fall in love with...so embrace the differences in which we love and live and let live.
until next time byeeeee