a fan in parchment and a scrappy page. It was my birthday yesterday, and every year I make a page for me. A little update on how I view life. What I am reading, planning etc. the fan is a pattern by Julie Roces, I added a 3d flower for that little bit extra. the scrappy page is white card stock with a red spotty page underneath, the spotty paper came from USA and has no maker on it, I took a selfie and cut the title on the cricut. Stitching around it with thread. I printed off my journaling and edged it with a red pro marker so it stands out against the white, The frame around the numbers is one from a chipboard pkt I have had for a while! So that's my update for now, I am still working on a Christmas 5d diamond painting, Its huge and lots of colours and I have a long way to go before its done. So, take care out there, and remember spread the love and be nice!
Thursday, 22 September 2016
good afternoon
Hello, how is everyone? Well and happy I hope just nipped on to share two projects
a fan in parchment and a scrappy page. It was my birthday yesterday, and every year I make a page for me. A little update on how I view life. What I am reading, planning etc. the fan is a pattern by Julie Roces, I added a 3d flower for that little bit extra. the scrappy page is white card stock with a red spotty page underneath, the spotty paper came from USA and has no maker on it, I took a selfie and cut the title on the cricut. Stitching around it with thread. I printed off my journaling and edged it with a red pro marker so it stands out against the white, The frame around the numbers is one from a chipboard pkt I have had for a while! So that's my update for now, I am still working on a Christmas 5d diamond painting, Its huge and lots of colours and I have a long way to go before its done. So, take care out there, and remember spread the love and be nice!
a fan in parchment and a scrappy page. It was my birthday yesterday, and every year I make a page for me. A little update on how I view life. What I am reading, planning etc. the fan is a pattern by Julie Roces, I added a 3d flower for that little bit extra. the scrappy page is white card stock with a red spotty page underneath, the spotty paper came from USA and has no maker on it, I took a selfie and cut the title on the cricut. Stitching around it with thread. I printed off my journaling and edged it with a red pro marker so it stands out against the white, The frame around the numbers is one from a chipboard pkt I have had for a while! So that's my update for now, I am still working on a Christmas 5d diamond painting, Its huge and lots of colours and I have a long way to go before its done. So, take care out there, and remember spread the love and be nice!
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
September update
I hope everyone out there in blog-land is happy and well. It's been a while since I posted sorry about that! So, here's a few things I have made since the last time I blogged. This is my youngest daughter and her hubby, I did this page for a challenge on UKS, I used a dinner plate, a tea plate and a saucer and cappuccino cup to draw the circles with a red pro marker. I added brads and sticky backed hearts at random and some butterfly embellishments to complete the look.
These pages are of family in USA on the gun range. I used plain white card stock and black paint through a Andy Skinner stencil. the names a rubber stamped in black ink. I wanted this to be a little messy.
Here's a new craft for me. 5D diamond painting. It's a little like painting by numbers meets cross stitch but it's all done by adding beads or rhinestones to a sticky canvas, the canvases are cheap and it's super easy to do and a great time waster! Check out ALISEXPRESS for canvases and indeed heaps more, fabric, crafty stuff and all-sorts! Its run a little like eBay but in China. Don't let that put you off postage is often free or little tiny amounts and they send things a lot quicker then you think! I love this craft and as I am taking a mini break from parchment craft this is ideal. The first canvas is made with round plastic tiles and the dancers are made with round rhinestones. I am now working on a Christmas themed canvas that as square tiles. When its finished I'll let you see. I should say you buy the whole thing as a kit. so you get the canvas, the beads/rhinestones. and a little tray to put the beads in. I would recommend to buy some small lidded pots so you can add your beads into those and out the cello bags they are supplied in. I number the pots according in the canvas details. Amazon do some sauce pots 50 pots for under £4 p&p free! Ideal.
Well, folks there's another couple of things to upload but the PC is taking sooooo long and being painfully slow but then it is on charge.... I'm not over technically minded so I don't know if that's why its slow! I'll upload those and more soon. Until then take care spread the love and peace and be nice out there!
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