Sunday, 21 August 2016

a morning with my art jorunal

well, I decided the AJ had sat on the shelf  long enough without being used and it must be feeling sad. I felt the need to get messy and here is the result , I got a lot out my system this morning. It is amazing how paint and ink and gesso can clear your mind .... I got a bit sad and disgusted by something I read.. not about me I may add but I felt sad that people could be so yuk. this morning well, new day and all that jazz and I decided to let it all float in the ether, life is too short. so, yesterday I made a new scrappy page. Son in law  Marc with his partner in crime Leo, my dog. They jog for miles, and enjoy it. Marc took a selfie.... so this is a happy page, shows the joy of simple things and the friendship
of a guy and a dog! I have another couple of pages all prepped ready to let the feelings flow. that I will post another day. But please people remember.... to each their own choices. It may not be your bag but hey ho spread the love and leave the hate behind... with everything happening in the world right now....we could all do with a spoonful of acceptance and a jug of understanding and bucket full of love! be nice out there!

Thursday, 18 August 2016

so, at last the ironing is done and I have taken some more pictures! first up two pages from when my youngest daughter Angela and her hubby Marc went to New York.On other pages, I seem to have gone a bit mad over stitching. I don't like sewing at all, ask me to sew on a button and that'll be a no! but on card that'll be a YES! Water, Water was for a challenge on UKS, and of course my youngest daughters lovely cat Kit! well, the sun is out, there's 60/70s music playing on the radio, and what shall I do now? wait for the postie to bring my circle journal home! Once he's delivered it'll be time for a game of ball in the garden with my dog and lunch! take care out there!

Monday, 15 August 2016

so this is August

Hello again, its been a while so I thought I should up date the blog. I have been doing less parchment and more scraping, which I have been enjoying a lot, so without more rambling here's a few pages I have made and the one main parchment piece I have worked on, a clock! The clock was fun to

make and yes it works and I made two, one for a friend. Some of the pages were for challenges on UKS and for a Chinese whisper swap I am taking part in, sadly coming to a end but another round will soon start. I just had to do a page about getting my first passport at the ripe age of 63! 
My hip and leg  are improving g and getting stronger and life feels good..... I have a more positive outlook, I am trying to loose weight and get fitter and trimmer, using Tom Daley's tips and hints on you tube, I kid you not. I found I like wholemeal pasta better then the white stuff! and some of his exercises are really helping me strengthen the muscle in my poorly leg. So thanks Tom Daley!  I wish him well for Friday and hopefully he'll go GOLD for GB. So there are more pages I need to take pictures and I will add them soon promise. till then, take care leave a comment if you will...always good to know I'm not talking to myself!